Apr 192013

For Immediate Release
April 19, 2013

Sheriff Urges Non-Support of Immigration Reform Bill, Especially in Light of On-Going Situation in Boston

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones has sent letters today to key government leaders asking them to not support the recently proposed bill for immigration reform. In letters to US Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown, Speaker of the House John Boehner, US Representative Steve Chabot, and Ohio Governor John Kasich, the Sheriff cites the example of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing as a serious concern for relaxing criteria in granting foreign-born persons legal permission to enter the United States.

His letter states, in part, that “…there are multitudes of people, nations, and religious entities that will take any opportunity to come here and wreak havoc and terror on us…” The bombing suspects were able to gain relatively easy, legal access to our country. They appeared to pose no threat. Now, their actions have authorities scrambling to determine how many more might be in their “terrorist cell” and how many other such cells may already be here in our great country. As the letter concludes, “The safety of American lives and American principles must be in the forefront of any immigration reform.”
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Prepared by:
Sgt. Monte Mayer
Public Information Officer
Operations Support
(513) 785-1018


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