Jul 182014

news-releaseFor Immediate Release
July 18, 2014

Sheriff Against Detox Center at County Care Facility

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones calls the plan to use part of the Butler County Care Facility on Princeton Road in Hamilton as a detox center for heroin addicts a “100% bad idea.” The Sheriff is fearful that such a plan will put the health and safety of the residents, their visitors, and staff at risk. “The current, aging Care Facility residents are there for legitimate reasons, and those people have no place else to go,” said the Sheriff. “They deserve to have as much peace of mind and the best care possible as they live out their lives. They don’t have any choice or say in this matter. I think it is just a bad mix of two totally different groups of people.”
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“The heroin epidemic that is sweeping across our county, state, and nation has been well documented,” the Sheriff continued. “Heroin addicts can become very desperate and violent people, capable of doing anything to get their fix. True addicts have been known to commit violent acts against, and steal from, their own parents. Some have prostituted out their own loved ones in efforts of getting the next fix. Heroin ‘owns’ the addict. It may be true that they are not violent during the ‘detox state,’ but that is typically a very short period of time. This plan for the Care Facility does not attempt to address curing the addict, only helping them through the ‘sickest phase’ of detox. If, in fact, they are sick, they should be cared for in an actual medical facility. You have to realize that once they pass the detox state, most will immediately begin to want to start getting high again. Who knows how many of their visitors will help them with that process and begin to bring illegal drugs into the Care Facility itself or turn its parking lot into a haven for drug deals. I don’t think there could be enough security put in place at that facility to handle it,” concluded the Sheriff. “I’m telling you, this is absolutely, 100% wrong. I would hate to see any of the aging residents of our County Care Facility be taken advantage of, or worse yet, somehow suffer a greater loss of health or safety.”

Prepared by:
Sgt. Monte Mayer
Public Information Officer

 Posted by at 5:00 pm

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